As days get shorter and the nights get cooler, it’s a sure sign that fall is on the way. Luckily, one of autumn’s signature staples – the apple – is a great buy right now.
This fall’s harvest is expected to be stronger than average this year, according to the U.S. Apple Association. Idaho and Washington, which rank as two of the top ten apple-producing states in the nation, are expected to harvest a large crop. Produce Alliance reports that supplies of Red and Golden Delicious, Granny Smiths, Pinks and Fujis are the most steady with good quality.
That’s good news for produce buyers in the northwest who prefer to buy local. With such a great supply of fruit hitting the market, now is the time to plan those fall recipes and make sure you have plenty of apples in your next order. Grasmick Produce makes it easy to get your fresh produce online, using our convenient online ordering system.